How do you feel about your smile? If there are things about it that you want to change, then you are only limited by your imagination. Advances in dentistry and dental cosmetics have broadened the scope of smile design, allowing patients to work with their dentist to make their teeth look perfect. Here are two easy ways to make your teeth more beautiful, and how your dentist can help.
Although most people assume that issues like dental gaps can only be repaired through lengthy orthodontic care, dentists can actually fill voids between the teeth with tooth-colored composite resins. Made from a mix of durable adhesives and ground ceramic, modern composite resins are available in an astonishing array of tooth shades and opacity levels, allowing dentists to create seamless repairs.
In addition to filling in gaps between the teeth, dentists can also use composite resins to correct issues like misshapen tooth edges or dental fractures. Modern composites are made to mesh microscopically with dental enamel and the underlying dentin, creating incredibly durable restorations that will stand the test of time. In fact, modern composites even
flex with the tooth, preventing problems like chipping.
One of the best things about composite resin repairs is that they are well tolerated by patients, especially since they don't always require anesthetic injections. After the tooth is cleaned and dried, dentists apply a thin layer of etching compound onto the tooth to improve the bond between the enamel and the resin.
Next, dentists select a composite shade, pipe it into place, and shape it around the tooth. After the material has cured with the help of a UV light, it can be shaped and polished like the rest of the teeth.
Sometimes, patients want more than a white, symmetrical smile. If you are want something a little different for your teeth, then consider talking with your dentist about dental jewelry. From gleaming gold crowns to removable grills filled with rows of sparkling diamonds, dental jewelry can set your smile apart.
If you are considering dental jewelry, think about how often you want to enjoy those decorative touches. While many entertainers or musicians like permanent dental jewelry to give them a signature look, others prefer removable pieces that they can use from time to time to give their style an extra pop for the day.
Before you meet with your dentist, evaluate your needs to decide what kind of décor would work best for you.
If you like the idea of permanent dental jewelry but you prefer a more low-key look, then consider a small tooth gem or golden dental accent instead of a larger grill or full gold crown. These additions are cemented in place, giving your teeth a little sparkle whenever you smile. However, if you decide to have them removed, they can be polished away quickly and easily.
On the other hand, if you need dental restorations in addition to an aesthetic update, then gold crowns might be the perfect solution for you. In addition to being incredibly biocompatible, gold crowns are resistant to wear and tear and can be installed on healthy teeth as well as teeth that need a crown to protect their structural integrity.
Whether you are looking for a more symmetrical smile or you have been dreaming about a diamond-encrusted grill all your own, we can help you here at
Gold Teeth Baton Rouge. For decades, our experienced dentist has been helping everyone from rap artists to creative masterminds design smiles that fit their personal style. Visit our office today to see what we can do for you.